CDAF Vagrant boxes support VirtualBox and Hyper-V. Previously Hyper-V on a workstation did not have a native NAT network support, however, it now does, making it more functionally equivalent to VirtualBox. Using Administrator PowerShell session.
. { iwr -useb } | iex
./automation/provisioning/base.ps1 vagrant
Oracle VirtualBox
./automation/provisioning/base.ps1 virtualbox
Install from the Windows features
Dism /online /enable-feature /all /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V
Create Desktop Environment
To create a desktop environment, navigate to the solution root and run:
vagrant up
Continuous Delivery Testing
Once the environment is running access the build server an execute the CD emulation. Note: On a Linux host bash Python WINRM can be used to provide native PowerShell access.
vagrant powershell buildserver
cd C:\vagrant
Direct PowerShell Access
To access the buildserver using native remote PowerShell. Allow credential delegation, on-off step needed on the host when using VirtualBox/Vagrant.
./automation/provisioning/runner.bat CredSSP.ps1 client
Once delegation configured, the build emulation can be executed.
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'vagrant' -asplaintext -force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('vagrant', $securePassword)
enter-pssession -port 15985 -Auth CredSSP -credential $cred
cd C:\vagrant
Cleanup and Destroy
If change made that need to be checked in, clean the workspace:
.\automation\cdEmulate.bat clean
Once finished with the environment, destroy using:
vagrant destroy -f