Native Docker Execution on Linux

Native Linux Containers

Native Linux Containers can run different distributions from the host.

curl -s | bash -

Note: for Redhat Enterprise Linux Podman & Buildah are installed by default and is largely Docker compatible.

CDAF Image for Ubuntu 22.04

Get latest image

docker pull cdaf/linux

Verify image capabilities

docker run cdaf/linux

Execute Emulation

docker run --volume "$(pwd):/solution/workspace" cdaf/linux

Interactive Terminal (-it) in container

docker run -it --volume "$(pwd):/solution/workspace" cdaf/linux bash

Agent in Default Pool with hostname as agent name

docker run -d cdaf/linux /solution/ $ORG_URL $POOL_TOKEN

Agent in named Pool with agent name (useful to recycle the container and replace the existing agent)

docker run -d cdaf/linux /solution/ $ORG_URL $POOL_TOKEN pool-name agent-name

Deployment Group

docker run -d cdaf/linux /solution/ $ORG_URL $GROUP_TOKEN project@deployment-group linux-target-1

CDAF Image for Ubuntu 20.04

note: the tools installed are designed to align with Azure DevOps agent capabilities

Get latest image

docker pull cdaf/linux-ado-agent

Verify image capabilities

docker run cdaf/linux-ado-agent

Execute Emulation

docker run --volume "$(pwd):/solution/workspace" cdaf/linux-ado-agent

Interactive Terminal (-it) in container

docker run -it --volume "$(pwd):/solution/workspace" cdaf/linux-ado-agent bash

Agent in Default Pool with hostname as agent name

docker run -d cdaf/linux-ado-agent /solution/ $ORG_URL $POOL_TOKEN

Agent in named Pool with agent name (useful to recycle the container and replace the existing agent)

docker run -d cdaf/linux-ado-agent /solution/ $ORG_URL $POOL_TOKEN pool-name agent-name

Deployment Group

docker run -d cdaf/linux-ado-agent /solution/ $ORG_URL $GROUP_TOKEN project@deployment-group linux-target-1