CDAF Configuration Properties.

Solution Property File

CDAF.solution : file to identify a directory as the automation solution directory where the key configuration files are placed. This file is used as the bases of the manifest.txt file while is included in the resulting CI artefact package.

See solution/CDAF.solution in CDAF automation directory.

Solution Properties

Variable Description
solutionName Required. Do not include spaces.
productName Solution description, this can contain spaces.
artifactPrefix Generate a self-extracting package script, example 0.0, mutually exclusive to productVersion
productVersion Do a self-extracting package script, example 0.0.0
containerBuild Dependency injection for running container based build execution
containerImage Image to be used in the container based build execution
containerDeploy Execute deployment from within a container, uses the storeForRemote artefact definition
imageBuild Dependency injection for creating a container image after CI process, see the Image Registry properties below
runtimeImage Image to used in the runtime image created by imageBuild
constructor Directory in which container images are constructed, default action will traverse and build in all directories
defaultBranch Used to determine feature branch functionality, default is master
defaultEnvironment Default environment to use for CDAF Feature Branch Environments post, defaults to DOCKER
processSequence Deployment Process Sequence, defaults to localTasks, remoteTasks and finally containerTasks

Environment Variable Substitution

The following properties can be used in place of environment variables

Variable Description
CDAF_HOME_MOUNT to disable volume mount for containerDeploy set to ‘no’
CDAF_ERROR_DIAG Dependency injected custom call if error occurs in Execution Engine
CDAF_DOCKER_REQUIRED containerBuild will attempt to start Docker if not running and will fail if it cannot, rather than falling back to native execution

Image Registry

These properties are used to push the image created by dockerBuild to pull a base image from a private registry. These can be overriden by Environment Variables.

Variable Description
CDAF_SKIP_PULL Skip updating of image
CDAF_PULL_REGISTRY_URL Image registry URL, example myregistry.local (do not set for dockerhub)
CDAF_PULL_REGISTRY_USER Registry user, example registryuser (if not set, default is ‘.’)
CDAF_PULL_REGISTRY_TOKEN Registry token, example xyzx9234sxsrwcqw34

These properties are used to push the image created by imageBuild to push to a private registry. These can be overriden by Environment Variables.

Variable Description
CDAF_REGISTRY_URL Image registry URL, example myregistry.local (do not set for dockerhub)
CDAF_REGISTRY_TAG Image tag(s), can be a single value latest (default) or space separated list, e.g. latest ${BUILDNUMBER}
CDAF_REGISTRY_USER Registry user, example registryuser (if not set, default is ‘.’)
CDAF_REGISTRY_TOKEN Registry authentication token

These properties are used to push the image created by dockerPush to push to a private registry. These can be overriden by Environment Variables.

Variable Description
CDAF_PUSH_REGISTRY_URL Image registry URL, example myregistry.local (do not set for dockerhub)
CDAF_PUSH_REGISTRY_TAG Image tag(s), can be a single value latest (default) or space separated list, e.g. latest ${BUILDNUMBER}
CDAF_PUSH_REGISTRY_USER Registry user, example registryuser (if not set, default is ‘.’)
CDAF_PUSH_REGISTRY_TOKEN Registry authentication token

Git Clean-up Properties

To clean-up Git branches and docker images, the following properties are used.

Variable Description
gitRemoteURL https://gitserver.local/mysolution.git
gitUserNameEnvVar gituser
gitUserPassEnvVar secret-pat
gitCustomCleanup & $AUTOMATIONROOT/buildandpackage/clean.ps1 or $AUTOMATIONROOT/buildandpackage/

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